SmartAX EA5800-X2 Cannot ping the ONT

Today, I’d like to share a case with you regarding an issue that a SmartAX EA5800-X2 cannot ping the ONT. Please see more information displayed below.

Product model: SmartAX EA5800-X2.


Users fail to ping the ONT through the SmartAX EA5800-X2.


1. Verified the ARP table and the ARP entry was incomplete:

SmartAX EA5800-X2 Cannot ping the ONT-1

2. Logged in to the ONT WebUI and found that no IP address was configured for the ONT WAN port.

SmartAX EA5800-X2 Cannot ping the ONT-2


The WAN port of the ONT is not configured with an IP address.


1. Configure the Internet WAN interfaces on the OLT or ONT WebUI.

  • Enable the OMCI configuration from the OLT.
  • By default, the OLT through XML delivery configuration for ONT does not support the configuration of the WAN interface via CLI. If there’s a need from CLI to configure the ONT WAN interface, the OMCI configuration mentioned should be enabled:

MA5800-X17(config)#gpon ont home-gateway config-method omci

2. Configure Internet WAN.

  • Create a WAN interface.Step 1: Configure the WAN interface index ID and IP address obtaining mode. For example, set WAN interface-id to 3 and use a static IP address (the IP address obtaining mode can be set as PPPoE or DHCP).

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont ipconfig 15 1 ip-index 3 static ip-address mask vlan 200 priority 5 gateway


  • Step 2: The WAN interface type is set as Internet:

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont internet-config 15 1 ip-index 3

  • The LAN port is bound to the WAN port.Step 1: Create a routing policy and bind LAN1 and SSID1 to WAN 3.

MA5800-X17(config)#ont policy-route-profile profile-id 0

MA5800-X17(config-policy-route-profile-0)#policy-route 0 port-based eth 1 wlan 1 wan 3

        Step 2: Bind the routing policy to the ONT.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont policy-route-config 15 1 profile-id 0

        Step 3: Set the port LAN1 to the L3 model. Otherwise, the preceding command does not take effect:

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont port route 15 1 eth 1 enable

        Step 4: The ONT LANWAN binding information is displayed. If the ONT does not bind the policy-route-profile, the OLT will return ‘The entry does not exist‘.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont routing-table policy-route 15 1


Policy route type : SourcePhyPort

Physical port name : LAN1,SSID1            <–if step 3 not configure , here will no LAN1

Vender class ID : –

Ether type : –

Wan name : OLT_C_1_INTERNET_R_VID_200


Total: 1

  • Configure the WAN interface type and NAT.Step 1. Create a WAN template, configure the WAN interface to route mode and enable NAT:

MA5800-X17(config)#ont wan-profile profile-id 0

MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#connection-type route

MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#nat enable

        Step 2. Bind the ONT WAN index to the WAN profile:

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont wan-config 15 1 ip-index 3 profile-id 0

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