Huawei MA5600T OLT
Model Short Description Stock
Huawei MA5608T GE DC Huawei MA5608T H801MABR service chassis with 2 slots, single or dual MCUD and MPWC DC power board 13
Huawei MA5608T 10GE DC Huawei MA5608T H801MABR service chassis with 2 slots, single or dual MCUD1 and MPWC DC power board 22
Huawei MA5608T GE AC Huawei MA5608T H801MABR service chassis with 2 slots, single or dual MCUD and MPWD AC power board 10
Huawei MA5608T 10GE AC Huawei MA5608T H801MABR service chassis with 2 slots, single or dual MCUD1 and MPWD AC power board 8
Huawei MA5680T Huawei MA5680T 19inch chassis with 14 service slots, 2xSCUN main control board, 2xPRTE DC power board 13
Huawei MA5683T Huawei MA5683T chassis with 5U height 6 service slots, 2xSCUN main control board, 2xPRTE DC power board, support EPON, GPON, 10G PON, P2P service 16
H806GPFD C+ Huawei H806GPFD 16-port GPON OLT interface board with C+ module, apply to Huawei MA5608T/MA5680T/MA5683T 60
H805GPFD C+ Huawei H805GPFD 16-port GPON OLT Interface Board with C+ module, apply to Huawei MA5608T/MA5680T/MA5683T 158
H806GPBD C++ Huawei H806GPBD 8-port GPON OLT Interface Board with C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5608T/MA5680T/MA5683T 162
H807GPBH C++ Huawei H807GPBH 8-port GPON OLT Interface Board with C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5608T/MA5680T/MA5683T 16
H801GICF Huawei H801GICF 2-port GE optical uplink board without SFP module, apply to Huawei MA5680T/MA5683T 22
H801MCUD1 Huawei MA5608T MCUD1 main control board integrated with 2-port GE, 2-port GE/10GE optical uplink port 5
H801MCUD Huawei MA5608T MCUD main control board integrated with 4-port GE optical uplink port 12
H801MPWC MA5608T DC power board H801MPWC 14
H801MPWD MA5608T AC power board H801MPWD 2
H801PRTE MA5683T MA5680T DC power board H801PRTE 22
H801SCUH Huawei MA5683T MA5680T super main control board H801SCUH 1
H801SCUN H801SCUN is a main control card of Huawei MA5683T MA5680T, integrated with 4-port GE optical uplink port 42
H801XGBD Huawei H801XGBD 8-port 10G GPON OLT Interface Board with N1 Optical Module 8
H802SCUN Huawei MA5683T MA5680T main control board integrated with 4-port GE optical uplink port 38
H802X2CS Huawei 2-port 10GE optical uplink board without SFP+ Module, apply to Huawei MA5680T/MA5683T 60
H802XEBD Huawei H802XEBD 8-port 10G EPON OLT interface board with 10G EPON PRX30 XFP Optical Module 5
H803GPFD Huawei H803GPFD 16-port GPON OLT Interface Board with B+/C+/C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5608T/MA5680T/MA5683T 3
H803X2CK Huawei MA5683T MA5680T 2 ports GE/10GE uplink interface board 68
Huawei MA5800 OLT
Model Short Description Stock
Huawei MA5800-X2 DC Huawei MA5800-X2 chassis with single or dual MPSC/MPSA main control board, 1xPISA DC power board 24
Huawei MA5800-X2 AC Huawei MA5800-X2 chassis with single or dual MPSC/MPSA main control board, 1xPISB AC power board. 35
Huawei MA5800-X7 Huawei MA5800-X7 OLT chassis with 2*MPLA/MPLB 10GE Main Control Board, 2*PILA DC Power Board, 19 inch and 6U height, and supports 7 service slots, 200G throughput each slot. 49
Huawei MA5800-X15 Huawei MA5800-X15 chassis with dual MPLA/MPLB 10GE Main Control Board, 2xPILA DC Power Board 67
Huawei MA5800-X17 Huawei MA5800-X17 chassis with dual MPLA/MPLB 10GE Main Control Board, 2xPILA DC Power Board 21
MA5801-GP08-H3 MA5801-GP08-H3 is a box-shaped(1U) OLT, which houses integrated control and service module, 1 pluggable fan module, 2 pluggable power modules,  8 GPON ports, 4 GE/10GE Uplink ports, 4 common interfaces 33
H906CGUF Huawei MA5800 series 16-port 10G GPON and GPON combo OLT Interface Board with XGPON & GPON N2a, C+ Optical Module 64
H906CGHF Huawei MA5800 series 16-port XG-PON and GPON combo OLT Interface Board with XG-PON & GPON N2a Optical Module 35
H903MPLB Huawei MA5800-X7/X15/X17 OLT H903MPLB main processing board with 4 10GE/GE SFP+ optical uplink ports 40
H903MPLA Main control board apply to Huawei MA5800-X7/X15/X17 integrated with 4-port 10GE/GE optical uplink port 26
H902NXED 8-port Enhanced 10GE/GE optical uplink board apply to Huawei MA5800 series 42
H902MPLB Huawei MA5800-X7/X15/X17 H902MPLB main control board with 4-port 10GE/GE optical uplink port 32
H902GPHF 16-port GPON OLT interface board with B+/C+/C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5800 series 159
H902FLHF Huawei H902FLHF MA5800 series 16-port Flex-PON OLT interface board. It can support GPON, XG(S)-PON, and XG(S)-PON&GPON Combo access. 15
H902CGHF Huawei H902CGHF MA5800 series 16-port XG-PON and GPON combo OLT Interface Board apply to Huawei MA5800 series with XG-PON & GPON C+/N2a Optical Module 169
H901XGHD Huawei H901XGHD MA5800 series 8-port XG-GPON interface board with XG-PON N1/N2a optical module 3
H901GPUF 16-port GPON OLT interface board with B+/C+/C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5800 series 48
H901GPSF 16-port GPON OLT interface board with B+/C+/C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5800 series 37
H901GPHF 16-port GPON OLT interface board with B+/C+/C++ module, apply to Huawei MA5800 series 201
H901EPHF PX20++ Huawei H901EPHF PX20++ 16-port EPON OLT interface board with PX20++ SFP module, apply to Huawei MA5800 series 6
EA5801-GP08 Huawei EA5801-GP08 integrated OLT with 8*GPON Ports, 2*10GE/GE Uplink Ports, 2*AC Power Module 15
EA5801-CG04 Huawei EA5801-GG04 integrated OLT with 8*GPON Ports, 2*10GE/GE Uplink Ports,  4* XG-PON&GPON combo Ports, 2*AC Power Module 9
Model Short Description Stock
ZTE ZXA10 C320 GE DC ZTE ZXA10 C320 Chassis with Single or Dual SMXA/1(SMXA+UCDC1) GE Main Control Board with DC power port embeded. 21
ZTE ZXA10 C320 GE AC ZTE ZXA10 C320 Chassis with SMXA/1(SMXA+UCDC1) GE Main Control Board and 1 PRAM AC power unit 16
ZTE ZXA10 C320 10GE DC ZTE ZXA10 C320 Chassis with Single or Dual SMXA/3(SMXA+UCDC3) or SMXA/5(SMXA+UCDC5) 10GE Main Control Board with DC power port embeded 35
ZTE ZXA10 C320 10GE AC ZTE ZXA10 C320 Chassis with Single SMXA/3(SMXA+UCDC3) or SMXA/5(SMXA+UCDC5) 10GE Main Control Board and 1 PRAM AC Power Card 25
ZTE ZXA10 C300 ZTE ZXA10 C300 Chassis with 2*SCTM Main Control Board with 4*10GE SFP+ uplink ports, 2*PRWG DC Power Board 18
SMXA/5 A51 ZTE ZXA10 C320 switching and control card integrated with 1*GE and 1*GE/10GE uplink port 21
SMXA/3 ZTE ZXA10 C320 main control board SMXA/3(SMXA+UCDC3) integrated with 1-port GE SFP and 1-port 10GE SFP+ uplink 24
SMXA/1 ZTE ZXA10 C320 main control board SMXA/1(SMXA+UCDC1) integrated with 2-ports GE SFP uplink 12
SCXM ZTE SCXM Switching and Control Board for ZTE C300/C350 OLT 26
PRAM PRAM AC power board, apply to ZTE ZXA10 C320 16
GUFO ZTE ZXA10 C350 C300 4-port optical interface Ethernet uplink board 17
GTXO ZTE ZXA10 C320 C350 C300 8-port XG-PON OLT interface board GTXO 27
GTGO ZTE ZXA10 C320/C350/C300 8-port GPON OLT interface board GTGO with C+/C++ module 278
GTGH ZTE ZXA10 C320/ C350/ C300/ 16-port GPON OLT interface board GTGH with C+/C++ module 374
Model Short Description Stock
ZXA10 C620 10GE DC ZTE ZXA10 C620 Chassis with 2xSPUF 10GE/GE Switch & Control Card, 1xPRSF DC Power Card 86
ZXA10 C620 10GE AC ZTE ZXA10 C620 Chassis with 2xSPUF 10GE/GE Switch & Control Card, 1xPRAF AC Power Card 48
ZTE ZXA10 C650 ZTE ZXA10 C650 19-inch Chassis with 2*Main Control Board, 2*PRVR DC power board. 35
ZTE ZXA10 C600 ZTE ZXA10 C600 19-inch Chassis with 2*SFUL Main Control Board, 2*XFTO 10GE Ethernet Optical Interface Card with 8 ports 10GE Uplink each, 2*PRVR DC power board. 75
XFTO ZTE 10GE Ethernet Optical Interface Card XFTO provides 8-ports 10GE Uplink 15
XFTH ZTE 10GE Ethernet Optical Interface Card XFTH provides 16-ports 10GE Uplink 17
SPUF ZTE ZXA10 C620 switching and control board 20
SFUL Switching and control card SFUL, apply to ZXA10 C600/C650 24
SFUC ZXA10 C600/C650 Switch and Control Card, with 4*10GE/GE uplink port 35
PRSF ZTE PRSF power card provides one –48 V/–60 V DC input interface to supply power to the ZXA10 C620 OLT,  maximum 15A current  supported 23
PRAF ZTE ZXA10 C620 110-220V AC power board 26
GFXH ZTE GFXH 16-port XG-PON OLT interface board with N1/N2a module, apply to ZTE ZXA10 C620/C650/C680/C600 OLT 67
GFTH ZTE GFTH ZXA10 C600/C650/C680 16-port XGS-PON OLT interface board with N1/N2a module 78
GFGH ZTE GFGH 16-port GPON OLT interface board with B+/C+/D module, apply to ZTE ZXA10 C620/C650/C680/C600 OLT 365
GFCH RC0 C+ ZTE ZXA10 C600 C650 C620 16-port XGS-PON & GPON Combo Service Board with C+ Module 15
GFCH P01 ZTE GFCH P01 16-port XGS-PON and GPON Combo OLT interface board with N1/B+ or N2/C+ module, apply to ZTE ZXA10 C600 Serie OLT 12
GFBT ZTE ZXA10 C600 C650 C680 16-port GPON & XG-PON Combo OLT service card 36
GFBN ZTE GFBN ZXA10 C600/C650/C680 16-port XG-PON and GPON Combo OLT interface board with N2a/C+module 45
GFBH PBB ZTE ZXA10 C600 C650 C680 16-port XG-PON&GPON Combo GPON OLT service card GFBH PBB 75
EFTH ZTE ZXA10 C600/C650/C680 16-port 10G EPON OLT interface board with PR30 symmetric module 10
FiberHome AN5516 OLT
Model Short Description Stock
FiberHome AN5516-01 FiberHome AN5516-01 Chassis, 19 inch, 16 service slots, 256 PON OLT 45
FiberHome AN5516-04 FiberHome OLT AN5516-04 Chassis,with 2*HSUC control and uplink boards, 1*PWRA AC power board 35
FiberHome AN5516-06 FiberHome AN5516-06 Chassis, 19 inch, 6 service slots, 96 PON OLT 24
EC8B R1B PX20+ Fiberhome OLT EC8B R1B 8 ports Epon service card with SFP PX20+ 68
GC8B R1C C+ Fiberhome GC8B 8 ports Gpon service card R1C version with SFP C+ 185
GCOB C+ Fiberhome GCOB 16 ports Gpon service card with SFP C+ 307
HSUC Fiberhome AN5516-04 OLT 4-Port GE Optical/Electrical Uplink and Switching Uplink Card 24
FiberHome AN6000 OLT
Model Short Description Stock
AN6000-7 Fiberhome AN6000-7 OLT supports 7 service slots,  with 2* HSCA core switch cards and 2* PIBA DC power cards 24
AN6000-15 Fiberhome AN6000-15 OLT supports 15 service slots,  with 2* HSCA core switch cards and 2* PIBA DC power cards 34
AN6000-17 Fiberhome AN6000-17 OLT supports 17 service slots,  with 2* HSCA core switch cards and 2* PIBA DC power cards 12
EX8A Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series EX8A 8-port 10G EPON Card 21
EXOA Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series EXOA 16-port 10G EPON Card 13
GFOA Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GFOA 16-port GPON, XG-PON, XGS-PON Flexible Interface Card 13
GM8A Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GM8A 8-port XG-PON and GPON Combo Card 15
GM8B Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GM8B 8-port XG-PON and GPON Combo Card 9
GMOA Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GMOA 16-port XG-PON and GPON Combo Card 24
GNOA Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GNOA 16-port XGS-PON and GPON Combo Card 21
GPOA Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GPOA 16-port GPON Card 15
GX8A Fiberhome AN6000 OLT series GX8A 8-port XG-PON Card 42
Alcatel-Lucent OLT
Model Short Description Stock
Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX-8 Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX-8 with 2xFANT-F, 1xNGFC-E, provides 8 service slots and supports 2x100 Gb/s per slot, VDSL2 with vectoring, GPON, EPON (with DPoE) and 10G PON services 38
Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX-4 Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX-4 with 2*FANT-F NT card, and 1*NGFC-G power unit, provides 4 service slots and supports a non-blocking, 2*100Gb/s per slot, VDSL2, point-to-point, GPON, EPON (with DPoE) and 10G PON services 25
FANT-F Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX network termination board integrated with 4-port 10GE/GE optical uplink port 62
FGLT-A Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX 16-port GPON OLT line termination board with C+ module 150
FGLT-B Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX 16-port GPON OLT line termination board with C+ module 128
FGUT-A Nokia Alcatel-lucent FGUT-A ISMA FX series 16-port XGS-PON and GPON combo OLT Interface Board with XGSPON & GPON C+ 2
FWLT-B Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX 8-port symmetric 10G GPON (XGS-PON/TWDM-PON) line termination board 4
FWLT-P Alcatel-Lucent NOKIA 7360 ISAM FX 8-port asymmetric 10G GPON line termination board 6