Flex-PON Solution | XG (S) – PON

Hello, everyone!

Today, I would like to share with you about the Flexible PON solution.


What’s Flex-PON?

Flex-PON is a solution developed by Huawei in order to implement smooth netwoork Evolution from GPON to XG(S) – PON. Unlike the XG (S) – PON COMBO card which can only operate in the GPON + XG-PON or GPON + XGS-PON scenarios, the Flex-PON card can work in multiple modes, including the modes found on the PON Combo card.

Supported work modules

  • GPON
  • XG-PON
  • GPON&XG-PON Combo
  • GPON&XGS-PON Combo

PON Solution

Figure 1 – Flex-PON Board


By default, the ports on this card work in GPON mode and can be used after insertion of a GPON optical module, without the need for license activation. To carry out the evolution from GPON to XG (S)-PON, it is necessary to activate an RTU license, optical module, and ONU/ONT compatible with the technology. Below mapping between, Port Mode, RTU, Optical Module, and ONU/ONT.

When formulating an evolution solution for the Flex-PON, ensure that the port mode is supported by the RTU, optical module, and ONU.

RTU Licenses / Optical Modules

Figure 2 – RTU Licenses / Optical Modules


Evolution Process

After we understand what the Flex-PON solution is, let’s understand how the evolution process from GPON to XG-PON and GPON to XGS-PON works.



Evolution process GPON to XG-PON

Figure 3 – Evolution process


1. Upload the RTU license to the OLT. This process must be done using the NCE-FAN management system. With this System, we will remotely activate the XG(S) PON RTU license for the Flex-PON port.

2. Access OLT and configure Flex-PON port mode from GPON to XG-PON.

Forum_MVE(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port flex-mode

{ all<K>|portid<U><0,15> }:0

{ combo-pon<K>|gpon<K>|xg-pon<K>|xgs-pon<K> }:xg-pon 


3.    Replace the GPON optical module with the XG-PON optical module.

4.    Add the XG-PON ONU or replace the GPON ONU with the XG-PON ONU.

5.    Configure the services and the evolution is complete.



The process is similar to that done in the GPON to XG-PON method, what changes will be the command used in process 2. The command for evolution from GPON to XGS-PON is as follows:

Forum_MVE(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port flex-mode

{ all<K>|portid<U><0,15> }:0

{ combo-pon<K>|gpon<K>|xg-pon<K>|xgs-pon<K> }:xgs-pon 


Huawei FLEX-PON Boards

H901FLHF – 16-port Flex-PON OLT interface board. It can support GPON, XG(S)-PON, and XG(S)-PON&GPON Combo access now. It works together with the optical network unit (ONU) to provide XG(S)-PON and GPON access services.

H902FLHF – 16-port Flex-PON OLT interface board. It can support GPON, XG(S)-PON, and XG(S)-PON&GPON Combo access now. It works together with the optical network unit (ONU) to provide XG(S)-PON and GPON access services.