Issue Description
The configuration has 5 service ports with the same gemport and user-vlan, only 802.1p change. How would be the OID for asking service port information?
display current-configuration port 0/7/7 | include service-port</p> service-port 52 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 0 user-vlan</p> 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 0 inbound traffic-table index 35 outbound traffic-table index 35</p> service-port 53 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 1 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 1 inbound traffic-table index 35 outbound traffic-table index 35 service-port 54 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 2 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 2 inbound traffic-table index 35 outbound traffic-table index 35 service-port 55 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 3 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 3 inbound traffic-table index 35 outbound traffic-table index 35 service-port 56 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 4 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 4 inbound traffic-table index 35 outbound traffic-table index 35 service-port 58 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 6 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 6 inbound traffic-table index 37 outbound traffic-table index 35 service-port 59 vlan 522 gpon 0/7/7 gemport 384 multi-service user-8021p 7 user-vlan 101 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 111 bundle 26 cos 7 inbound traffic-table index 37 outbound traffic-table index 35
Please notice that the MIB OID of MA5800 X17 value for hwFlowIndex = CLI flowindex + 1. Thus, from the OID result you have to -1 in order to have the right service-port number:
- ifindex : 4194363136
- hwFlowBridgePortType: 3
Value list:
1: vcPort(1)
2: ethernetPtm(2)
3: gemPort(3)
4: ontId(4)
Description: Indicates the type of the physical or logical bridge port.
-indicates a VC port to be a bridge port, capable for ATM mode access.gemPort
-indicates an Ethernet port or PTM mode xDSL port to be a bridge port.gemPort
-indicates a GPON GEM port to be a bridge port.ontId
-indicates a GPON or EPON ONT to be a bridge port.
- hwFlowPortExtPara1: 128
The meaning is variable with the value of hwFlowBridgePortType:
If the value of hwFlowBridgePortType is set to vcPort(1): this leaf indicates the VPI.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to ethernetPtm(2): this leaf is invalid.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to gemPort(3), this leaf indicates the ONT ID for the GPON profile mode and GEM port ID for the GPON distributed mode.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to gpon(4) or epon(6), this leaf indicates the ONT ID of the GPON or EPON.
- hwFlowPortExtPara2: 4294967295
The meaning is variable with the value of hwFlowBridgePortType:
If the value of hwFlowBridgePortType is set to vcPort(1), this leaf indicates the VCI.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to ethernetPtm(2), this leaf is invalid.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to gemPort(3), this leaf indicates the GEM port index for the GPON profile mode and invalid for the GPON distributed mode.
If the value of hwExtSrvFlowParaType is set to gpon(4) or epon(6), this leaf is invalid.
- hwFlowPortExtPara3: 4294967295
Description: Reserved index, current fixed fill 4294967295
- hwFlowMulitiServiceType: 3
Value list:
1: by User Vlan(1)
2: by En cap(2)
3: by 8021p(3)
4: by Vlan En cap(4)
5: by Double Vlan(5)
6: by 8021p List(6)
- single Service(255)
This leaf is the same as hwExtSrvFlowMultiServiceType,
which indicates the traffic classification criteria on the port or logical port.
For details, see the description of hwExtSrvFlowMultiServiceType.
- by User Vlan(1) -the service type is by User Vlan
- by En cap(2) -the service type is by En cap.
- by 8021p(3) -the service type is by 8021p
- by Vlan Encap(4) -the service type is by Vlan Encap
- by Double Vlan(5) -the service type is by Double Vlan
- by 8021p List(6) -the service type is by 8021p List
- single Service(255) -the service type is single Services
- hw Flow Muliti Service Para: 101
Indicates the traffic classification parameter on the port or logical port for user service.
The meaning is variable with the value of hw Ext Srv Flow Multi Service Type:
If the value of hw Ext Srv Flow Multi Service Type is set to by 8021p(3), this leaf indicates
the combination of the C-VLAN ID (0-4095; 0 indicates priority-tagged)
and the 802.1p priority (0-7):
---------------------------------------------------------- | bit31-bit16 | bit15-bit13 | bit12 | bit11-bit0 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Reserved | Priority(0-7) | reserve | VLAN ID ----------------------------------------------------------
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