ONT Remote Configuration

Issue Description

support remote-http  ont

Handling Process

OLT is already configured and ONTs are added to the OLT.  Now to configure wifi SSID and PSK of the ONT Huawei EG8247H5, we need to visit all accomodations to configure ONT manually. Our requirement is we want to configure ONTs Wifi SSID and PSK remotely from OLT because it is difficult to get access of all the accomodations


1、Configure the remote-http for ont on olt:

huawei(config)#sysman server source web-proxy any-interface
huawei(diagnose)%%remote-http ont 0/2/0 2

2、Run the above command to query the uniform resource locator (URL).

huawei(diagnose)%%display remote-http ont information

The URL format is https://x.x.x.x:8024 (http://x.x.x.x:8024) or https://[x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x]:8024 (http://[x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x]:8024). Replace x.x.x.x or x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x with the actual IP address of the current OLT. Use a browser to access the URL and use the configured temporary username and password to log in to the ONT. If the user name and password are not configured, the default user name and password are used.

refer to the following:

frame/slot/port Indicates the IDs of the subrack, slot, and port to which an ONT is connected. Please see Differences Between Shelves.
ontid Indicates the ID of an ONT. Numeral type. Range: 0-255.
ont-vlan ont-vlan Specifies the VLAN to which an ONT belongs. Numeral type. Range: 1-4094.
ont-ip ont-ip Indicates the IP address of the maintenance WAN port of an ONT. There are 5 types of IP addresses. A suitable IP subnet can be selected according to actual requirements. When an NE IP address is all 0s or all 1s, it is used for special purposes and cannot be used as a common IP address. In addition, the IP address of the maintenance WAN port must be different from other addresses used by actual ONT services (for example, the IP address of the WAN port). IPv4 address format. Dotted decimal notation.
port service-port Indicates the ID of an ONT web service port. Before configuration, determine the ID of the web service port supported by the ONT. If the ID of the ONT web service port is not supported by the ONT, the remote ONT web page login function cannot be used. If the ID of the ONT web service port is not configured, use the default value. Numeral type. Range: 0-65528. Default value: 7017.
protocol Indicates the protocol used for a remote web page visit. During actual visits, the ONT determines the to-be-used protocol based on its capabilities. For example, though HTTP is configured, the ONT determines whether to use HTTP or HTTPS based on its capabilities during an actual visit. Enumerated type. Options: http and https.
username username Indicates the user name temporarily used for a remote web page visit. If you do not input the username parameter, the system will enter interaction mode. You are advised to input the parameter in interactive mode. Character string type, a string of 1-32 characters.
password password Indicates the password temporarily used for a remote web page visit. When you input the password parameter in interactive mode, the temporary user password is not displayed. Character string type, a string of 6-32 characters.

  • A password must contain at least 6 characters.
  • The password must contain at least 2 of the following combinations: lower-case letters, upper-case letters, digits, and special characters.
  • The password cannot be the same as the user name.
duration duration Indicates the valid login duration of a remote web page visit. Numeral type. Range: 1-120. Unit: minute. Default value: 30.