An ONT reports an alarm indicating that an Ethernet port is not connected to an ONT on the MA5680T

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Issue Description

The ONT reports an alarm indicating that the Ethernet port is not connected to the ONT on the MA5680T.


In the default ONT alarm policy template, enable the “ONT Ethernet port signal loss”.

MA5680T(config)#ont-alarm-policy policy-id  0
MA5680T(config-ont-alarm-policy-0)#undo alarm filter 0x2e313024
Remarks: If an ONT is online, the ONT needs to be reset after the ONT is reset.
MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)#display  ont alarm-state 7 0
Subrack/Slot/Port: 0/1/7
  ONT ID: 0
 To activate the alarm information:
(1) ONT Ethernet port signal loss (Ethernet port number: 1)
(2)ONT Ethernet port signal loss (Ethernet port number: 2)
(3)ONT Ethernet port signal loss (Ethernet port number: 3)
(4)ONT Ethernet port signal loss (Ethernet port number: 4)