High CPU issue while passing high load data traffic through S6700

Issue Description


The customer noticed that while he is passing 9 Gbps through one S6700 switch (being part of RRPP ring) and coming from a single port the CPU rises up until 60 %.  When the customer stops the traffic the CPU usage drops down again to its normal values.
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Big problem!!! Because is supposed that data to be forwarded using ASIC without utilizing the CPU unit. So why is the CPU at 60 % ? It is normal for this load of traffic coming just from one port ? Of course not, but what is happening?

Handling Process


I analyzed the processes handled by the CPU from display cpu-usage: (here are shown the most representative tasks)

bcmL2MOD.0           17%         0/8285f38d       tS16  //Task that handles mac-flapping.
bcmCNTR.0             8%         0/40c54910       tS17
PPI                   7%         0/36d7ee7e       PPI Product Process Interface   // PPI: This is a task at the adaptation layer. Maintain chip interface status
bmLINK.0              2%         0/160654ff       tS1a               //bmLI: Scan port status and notify the application modules of status changes
So the switch is facing mac-flapping from the RRPP ring? Great discovery but there is no other traffic in the ring than the one used for testing. 
Are related? The customer had a strange way of testing high load traffic by plugging the traffic generator / measuring device on one port (e.g. xg0/0/13) and using loopback internal on the way-out port (e.g. xg0/0/14) so all the frames sent to the way-out port  are coming back from that port.
How this could represent the resolution for high-cpu issue? Well, after all is quite simple because using a traffic generator the source MACs of the frames are the same and  coming from both ports xg0/0/13 and xg0/0/14 – when is coming back - it is processed by the switch as mac-flapping that is why it causes high-cpu. Witness is the output of display mac-address flapping record:
["TES1-EQI1.192"]display mac-address flapping record
S  : start time
E  : end time
(Q) : quit vlan
(D) : error down
Move-Time             VLAN MAC-Address   Original-Port   Move-Ports      MoveNum
S:2014-10-03 00:09:20 1818 cafe-beef-cafe XGE0/0/13       XGE0/0/14       35186
E:2014-10-03 00:09:53


Root Cause


The way how the customer wanted to pass high load traffic through the switch enabling on the way-out port loopback internal command.



Do not use loopbacks while testing traffic performances and having the traffic source coming from a measuring device/traffic generator.