How to check and solve when a license file fails to be loaded on switch?

1. Checking Whether the ESN in the License File Is the Same as the Switch’s ESN

Run the display esn command in any view to view the Equipment Serial Number (ESN) of a switch.

<HUAWEI> display esn
ESN of slot 1/9: 210211417810E2000160         //Switch's ESN
ESN of slot 1/10: 210211417810E2000160
ESN of slot 2/9: 2102114178P0F3000057
ESN of slot 2/10: 2102114178P0F3000057

For a cluster switch system (CSS) of modular switches, ESNs of four MPUs are displayed, and ESNs of two MPUs in one chassis are the same. For example, in the above command output, ESNs of the MPUs in slot 1/9 and slot 1/10 in one chassis are both 210211417810E2000160.
Run the display license file-name command in any view to view the ESN in the license file.

<HUAWEI> display license licenses_css.dat  
Product name      : Quidway S9300
Product version   : V200R008                            License file ESN  : 2102113090P0BA000811,020PBVD0A9001539     //ESN in the license file
License Serial No : LIC20170327A0A850
Creator           : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Created Time      : 2017-03-27 17:06:32
Country           : English
Custom            : RD of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Office            : ShenZhen
Feature name      : ACCESS
Authorize type    : DEMO
Expired date      : 2017-05-27
Trial days        : 60
Function items    :
Name: LLE0BSVC01               Value: 1
Name: LLE0NQAF01               Value: 1
Name: LLE0IPV601               Value: 1
Name: LLE0SSP01                Value: 1
Name: LLE0MPLS01               Value: 1
Name: LE1SCSSLPU00             Value: 1
Resource items    :
Name: LE1SFIB128K0             Value: 6

Check whether the ESN in the license file is the same as the switch’s ESN. For a CSS system, ENSs in the license file must be the same as those of member switches. If they are different, apply for a new license using the switch’s ESN. Note that a CSS system needs to contain ESNs of two chassis.

2. Checking Whether the License File Content Is Correct and Complete

The content of a complete license file is as follows:

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Creator=Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
CreatedTime=2017-07-19 17:33:59
Custom=No relevant customer information
Sign= 999473854875087D49D6AC1BC12198070197951B20E680FC53E598E4BB48DB
Product=S12700     //Product model, such as S9300 and S12700
Feature=Service Esn="210211417810E2000160,2102114178P0F3000057"   //ESN information
Sign= 7A5134B8C8384EA2F5663043C17045E3F58CDB6ABB9799015451CD857CEB419
Attrib="DEMO, 2017-08-17, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL" Resource="ET1SPPPOE16K=4, ET1SFIB512K0=6, ET1SWL512AP0=8"  //Resource item in the format of Resource name=QuantityFunction="ET1SIPV60000=1, ET1SSSP00000=1, ET1SMPLS0000=1, ET1SSVFF0000=1, ET1SNQA00000=1"  //Functional item in the format of Function name=1, which indicates that this function is available
Comment="$***#SWID=1707-19FY-R9X5$***#,((Enterprise) Network rollout before PAC) Activated by y00352446"
Sign= 484510E2C663B66BB9D277D41591B0BB2D8FFD9880AFA1E9A5E60406E1755CA

You can open a license file using either of the following methods:
Open a license file in .txt format.
If the license file has been uploaded to a switch, run the more filename command in the user view to display the content of the license file.

<HUAWEI> more licsv200r008_20170612bpxn50.dat
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Creator=Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
CreatedTime=2017-06-12 15:37:37
Custom=RD of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Sign= 9C93BC86D053FEA5264FFF88707FAFB22CEF7657E712B82600D28F74FF3F976D2EDA67ACBE
Product=Quidway S9300
Sign= 30F1023481358A0FBCFB3966A31E5695B37719236B4408483C74610D474017D383888540EF
Product=Quidway S9300
Attrib="DEMO, 2017-07-31, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL"
---- More ----

If a license file does not contain a resource or function item, or the description of resources or functions, the license file cannot be activated and a new license needs to be applied.
For an ACU2 card, the license of AP resources needs to be applied separately. For X1E series cards, the license of AP resources can be applied together with that of the switch.
Pay attention to the following when applying for a license in a CSS:
In a version earlier than V200R009, apply for a license that contains ESNs of two chassis in the CSS. If the license file contains only the ESN of the active chassis, the license is in normal state and the license-controlled features can take effect. If an active/standby switchover occurs, however, the license will change to the trial state (60-day trial period). If the license file contains only the ESN of the standby chassis, the license remains in trial state.

In a version of V200R009 or later, apply for a license that contains ESNs of two chassis, or apply for a license for each ESN and load the license files to the chassis before setting up a CSS. When using the second method, ensure that two license files have the same control items, because:
When the license files on the active and standby chassis have the same control items, the standby chassis uses its own license file without synchronizing that of the active chassis. Their license files are still effective after an active/standby switchover.

When the license files on the active and standby chassis have different control items, the standby chassis synchronizes the license file from the active chassis. If the license file on the active chassis contains the ESN of the standby chassis, the license of the standby chassis is in normal state, and the license file can still be used after an active/standby switchover. If the license file on the active chassis does not contain the ESN of the standby chassis, the ESN in the synchronized license file of the standby chassis is different from the actual ESN of the standby chassis. As a result, the license changes to the trial state (60-day trial period). After an active/standby switchover, the license for the CSS will change to the trial state.

For S9300 series switches, setting up a CSS using service ports is license-controlled.
In V100R001 or V100R002, before a license is activated, ensure that the license file is saved to the default root directories on the active and standby MPUs. In a version of V100R003 or later, ensure that the license file is saved to the default root directory on the active MPU.

3. Checking Whether the License Is in the Validity Period

Licenses are classified into commercial licenses and non-commercial licenses.
Commercial licenses
Generally, the licenses purchased according to contracts are commercial licenses, which are permanently valid. If an alarm indicates that the license is in the trail period, collect logs of the switch and check whether the license has changed recently.
Non-commercial licenses
These licenses are used for special purposes such as testing and trial, and are strictly controlled. If an alarm indicates that the license is in the trail period, apply for a new license file as soon as possible.
You can run the display license command in any view to view information about the license file state, which is indicated by the License state field.

<HUAWEI> display license
Active license    : flash:/LICORTF163673-554BEF51E8.dat License state     : Trial //State of a license file
Revoke ticket     : No ticket
RD of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Product name      : S5700
Product version   : V200R009
License Serial No : LIC2014032800EC50
Creator           : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Created Time      : 2014-03-28 16:38:36
Feature name      : ES5FEA1
Authorize type    : DEMO
Expired date      : 2014-05-25
Trial days        : 60
Item name          Item type  Value    Description
ES5SF4512K00       Resource   2        FIB512K
ES5SF4128K00       Resource   6        FIB128K
ES5SWL16AP00       Resource   64       WL16AP
ES5SWL64AP00       Resource   16       WL64AP
ES5SWL128AP0       Resource   8        WL128AP
ES5SWL512AP0       Resource   2        WL512AP


Table 1 Description of license file state
State Measure
Normal: The license is working properly. If the status of a license file on the live network is not Normal, check the license file.
Trial: The license is in trial state. The license file is in trial state due to one of the following reasons:
§ A license file enters the trial state if the ESN does not match the device. A license file in trial state can be used only for 60 days. To continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for a new license file matching the new ESN and activate it.
§ A temporary license file expires and enters the Trial state. To continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for a new license file and activate it.
§ A license file is revoked and enters the Trial state. To continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for a new license file based on the revocation code and activate it.
§ If you replace the master switch but the new ESN does not match the license file, the license file enters the Trial state. To continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for a new license file matching the new ESN and activate it.
Demo: The license is in demo state. When you activate a temporary license file, it enters the Demo state. The Demo state exists only for a demo license file used for test and deployment. A license file in Demo state allows you to use normal functions within a specified period. Before the expiration of the license file in Demo state, replace it with a commercial license file.
Emergency: The license is in emergency state. A license file enters the Emergency state when a disaster occurs (commercial scenario).
In the emergency conditions like earthquake, volcano explosion, and tsunami, you can run the license emergency command to trigger a license file to enter the Emergency state. The Emergency state stays for seven days, and a license file can enter the Emergency state three times.
Default: No license file is activated or a license file expires. If a license file enters the Default state, services will be interrupted. If you want to use services after a license file expires or becomes invalid, apply for a new license file and activate it.

If a license enters the trial state, a notification will be sent to the user every day until the trial period ends. You can run the display alarm active command to check whether an alarm indicating that the license is about to expire exists.

<HUAWEI> display alarm active
A=Sequence, B=RootKindFlag(Independent|RootCause|nonRootCause)
C=Generating time, D=Clearing time
E=ID, F=Name, G=Level, H=State
I=Description information for locating(Para info, Reason info)
J=RootCause alarm sequence(Only for nonRootCause alarm)
3/Independent/2017-08-04 18:48:12+08:00/-/0x4055a006/hwCfgRestoreFail/Major/Start/OID Failed to restore system configurations.(ErrCode=1)

24/Independent/2017-08-05 11:17:18+08:00/-/0x418c2001/hwGtlNearDeadline/Major/Start/OID License feature All is near deadline,
  remain time is 56 days.

4. Checking Whether a Message Indicating a Failure to Activate the License Is Displayed

Run the license active file-name command in the user view to activate the license file, and check whether a message indicating a failure to activate the license is displayed.

Table 1 Description of the license active command output
Item Measure
Error: The filename is invalid, and the postfix of the file name must be ‘dat’. The file name extension of the activated license file is invalid. The license file must use .dat as the file name extension. Activate a correct license file.
Error: The specified file does not exist or is illegal. Check whether the license file exists or whether the license file name is valid.
Info: License File expired. The license file has expired. Apply for or purchase a new license.
Info: License file validation failed. The license file fails to be verified. Apply for or purchase a new license.
No product features present in LK The license file does not match product information. Apply for or purchase a new license.
Info: License File with ESN or Version mismatch cannot be activated repetitively. The ESN or product version in the license file does not match that of the device. Apply for or purchase a new license.


5. Collecting Information and Seeking Technical Support

If the fault persists, collect related information and seek technical support.
Collecting Fault Information
Collect operation results of the preceding steps and record the results in a file.
Collect all diagnostic information and export the information to a file.
Run the display diagnostic-information file-name command in the user view to collect diagnostic information and save the information to a file.

<HUAWEI> display diagnostic-information dia-info.txt
Now saving the diagnostic information to the device
Info: The diagnostic information was saved to the device successfully.

When the diagnostic file is generated, you can export the file from the device using FTP, SFTP, or SCP.
You can run the dir command in the user view to check whether the file is generated.
You can also run the display diagnostic-information command and save terminal logs in a diagnostic file on a disk.
If this command displays a long output, press Ctrl+C to abort this command.
This command displays diagnostic information, which helps locate faults but may affect system performance. For example, CPU usage may become high. Therefore, do not use this command when the system is running properly.
Running the display diagnostic-information command simultaneously on multiple terminals connected to the device is prohibited. This is because CPU usage of the device may obviously increase and the device performance may be degraded.

Collect the log and trap information on the device and export the information to files.
Run the save logfile all command in the user view to save the logs in the user log buffer area and diagnostic log buffer area to the user log file and diagnostic log file, respectively.

<HUAWEI> save logfile all
Info: Save logfile successfully.
Info: Save diagnostic logfile successfully.

When the diagnostic file is generated, you can export the file from the device using FTP, SFTP, or SCP.

You can also run the display logbuffer and display trapbuffer commands to view the log and trap information on the device, and save the information in diagnostic files on a disk.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact [email protected].
Technical support personnel will provide instructions for you to submit all the collected information and files, so that they can locate faults.