How to make a capture for uplink port of HG8245Q

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Issue Description

In customer’s GPON network, if there is an issue that is not easy to define where the problem is, we can use the capture way to make a mirror for uplink port of HG8245Q to distinguish whether the traffic is sent out or receive, to verify whether this issue is in ONT.



set ethportmirror sourceport {value} destport {value} mirrordate {0:out/1:in/2:all} enable {0/1}
sourceport : value range [1-5:eth/9:cpu/10:pon]
destport : eth port value range [1-5]
mirrordate : direction [0:out/1:in/2:all]
enable : switch [1:enable/0:disable]
Example: Make whole traffic mirror from pon port to ETH3
WAP>set ethportmirror sourceport 10 destport 3 mirrordate 2 enable 1